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Writer's pictureAnnett

Starting your day in an effortless way

When children and teens went back to school last week, many parents who were working from home, breathed a sigh of relief. 

Every mother and father whom I know - loves their child and at the same time the pressure and responsibility of modern day parenting can sometimes feel unbearable.

What I received this week was another piece of the jigsaw why parenting can seem so overwhelming some days. 

As care-givers we see the chaotic world around us, imagine our children’s future and decide that being a child these days is so hard. 

An action that may follow is to do for a child, what he or she can do for themselves:

⏰ waking them

🧦 dressing them

🍱 making their lunch

🦷 brushing their teeth or

🚌 reminding them what time the bus leaves.

The parent leading the morning routine: tells me they feel like they are exhausted before the day has even begun. 

The coffee they poured, has gone cold. 

My suggestion and learning this month:

 🌱 Keep watering the root, to enjoy the fruit.

All the years spent on building routine charts, teaching how to button up a shirt, allowing a child to over-pour the milk: eventually pays off. 

As of this year, my 14-year-old is taking the school bus by herself.

For the last 10 days, all she wanted me for was a kiss and a hug while she walked out the door. 

My second born is striving for the same independence and he reminds that me interfering is counter-productive. 

When I listen and mind my own business, I get to sit down with my cup of tea while respecting my own boundary and start planning my day ☕️. 

I wish it was this effortless every day. 

Until I had children, I never liked routines. 

They bored me and I constantly need to change them. 

Being a virgo, I am now acknowledging that us sensitive-natured late August & September born contributors, often bring the gift of easily figuring out effective ways to complete daily tasks. 

Is this why school tends to be back in September and most enjoy a bit of organising?

When routines need improving: these 3 parentings tools are the foundation pillars on my drawing board, year after year. 

Download this free offer and find some inspiration to create a calmer home, click here:

(Confirming humanity: written by annett)

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